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Past courses


Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, UOIT:

Faculty of Education, UOIT:

  • EDUC 1050: Technical Communication: Primary responsibility for course development; two sections; four teaching assistants (2006).
  • EDUC 1200: History of Science and Engineering: Primary responsibility for course development (2005 to 2006).
  • EDUC 1470: The Impact of Science and Technology on Society
    • Primary responsibility for course development, multiple sections; multiple teaching assistants (2004 to 2010).
    • Primary responsibility for course development of online iteration of course (2007).

History Department, Trent University:

  • HIS 232: The History of Education in Canada: Proposed and designed course; primary responsibility for course development (2003 to 2007).


Department of Sociology and Equity Studies in Education, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto:

  • SES 2999: Women, Technology and Society (online course): Primary responsibility for course development (2005 to 2007).