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Dr. Barbara Perry, Director

Dr. Barbara Perry is a recognized global authority on hate crime, and the primary national authority on right-wing extremism in Canada. She is the current and founding Co-Chair of the International Network for Hate Studies.  She is a well-known expert among media outlets including The Agenda, CBC, The Current, The Globe and Mail and The New York Times. Dr. Perry is a regular consultant with Justice Canada, Public Safety Canada, The RCMP, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and with local social justice organizations.

Her work extends to policing diverse communities, building resilience among marginalized communities, and broadly, issues of diversity and justice. Dr. Perry is helping to frame the field, and foster global education and support for victims of violence.

Research interests include:

  • hate crime
  • right-wing extremism
  • policing diversity
  • Islamophobia
  • antisemitism
  • homophobia and transphobia

"The Centre will be a magnet for high-quality academics who will contribute to the intellectual climate, locally and internationally. It will send a powerful message about our values while enabling the university to build its research capacity, share new knowledge and become the go-to source for policy developers seeking data, guidance and advice."