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Call For Blog Posts

The Centre on Hate, Bias and Extremism is now accepting submissions for its blog. The blog is an online platform for discussing themes related to the CHBE’s broad mandate. It especially aims to host conversations that enhance public understanding and awareness of right-wing extremism, and all forms of bias, oppression, and hate-related violence – including gender and racially grounded violence. The blog also invites submissions on class-based inequality and the attack on democratic institutions and values, and is particularly interested in communicating research and commentary on the social and structural conditions blocking inclusive, equitable outcomes.   The CHBE Blog publishes short, accessible essays accountable to the Centre’s mandate of promoting social justice. We welcome contributions from researchers of all fields as well as students, activists, and practitioners wishing to share their perspectives and showcase their work. Authors retain the intellectual property and copyright of their posts   

Submission guidelines and instructions: posts should be between 800 and 1200 words and include a photo with a creative commons licence depicting the argument. 

For general questions or to submit a post for review please contact the blog editors: 

Scott Aquanno: 

Brad Galloway: