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Research Outcomes & Activities

Drawing on the expertise of our globally recognized scholars and leveraging our strong partnerships across various sectors, we are strategically poised to combat hate, bias and extremism.

CHBE Activities

  • Research and Proposals
    Dr. Jennifer Laffier
    • Licensed psychotherapist and art therapist who researches in the area of bullying, identity and subculture, at-risk youth, cultural competency, mental health in the digital age, emotional intelligence, and human development.
    Dr. Tanner Mirrlees
    • A critical political economist of digital media technologies and the cultural industries specializing in cultural and communication politics, entertainment/pop culture and politics, global media studies, political economy of communication, propaganda, public relations, and U.S. foreign policy, international relations and the media.
    • Co-investigator (with Dr. Barbara Perry) in 2017 study “Moving to the Hateful Beat: YouTube White Power Music Videos.” 
    Dr. Barbara Perry
    • Global hate crime expert currently researching in the areas of: difference, identity and justice; immigration and citizenship; human rights violations; indigenous peoples, crime and justice; sexualities, crime and justice; criminal and social justice policy rural criminology; international/comparative justice policy; history of crime, law and social control; and ideologies and justice policy.
    • Received TSAS Major Research Project award (2019-2021) for “Misogyny, Gender and Engagement in the Extreme Right Movement”
    • Received SSHRC Insight Development award (2018-2020) for “Antisemitic Hate Crime in Canada”
    • Received Canada Centre for Community Engagement and Prevention of Violence award (2018-2021) to update “Right-Wing Extremism in Canada: An Environmental Scan”
    • Received SSHRC Insight Grant award (2017-2018) for “Policing Hate Crime in Canada”
    • Co-investigator in “Targeting Muslims: Islamophobic Hate Crime in Canada” (2017-2020)
    • Received TSAS award (2017-2019) for “Moving to the Hateful Beat: YouTube and White Power Music Videos” (with Dr. Tanner Mirrlees)
    • Co-investigator in “Mediating Crime and Race: How Canadian Ethnic Minority Newspapers Construct Crime” (2016-2018)
    • Received TSAS award (2016-2017) for “More Than Terrorists? A Closer Look at Freemen-on-the-Land in Canada”
    • Conducted study “Right-Wing Extremism in Canada: An Environmental Scan” as part of Public Safety Canada’s Kanishka Project (2012)
    • Co-investigator in “Equitable Lens: How Ethnic Minority Media Cover Crime” (2012)
    • Received SSHRC award (2011) for “Anti-Muslim Violence in Ontario: A Pilot Study”
    • Received SSHRC award (2011) for “Policing and Prosecuting Hate Crime in Canada”
    • Received SSHRC award (2005-2006) for “Hate crime on Campus”
    • Received British Home Office award (2004-2005) for “Reducing Racial Prejudice: Can Communication Help?”
    • Received US Department of Agriculture award (2003-2004) for “The Forgotten Victims: Hate Crimes Against Native Americans”
    • Received NAU Intramural Grant award (2001-2002) for “Accounting for Hate Crime: Offenders Speak”
    • Received NAU Intramural Grant award (1999-2000) for “Native American Victims of Ethnoviolence”
    • Received NAU Intramural Grant award (1998-1999) for “Permission to Hate: The Political Context of Hate Crime”
    • Received NAU Intramural Grant award (1997-1998) for “…And Everyone in Their Place: Accounting for Hate Crime”
  • Workshops and Training
    Dr. Jennifer Laffier
    • Provides workshops for:
      • police and future teachers across Canada on cultural competency, emotional intelligence, conflict management and leadership
      • teachers on harassment and bullying in schools and creating inclusive classrooms
      • primary and secondary students on bullying and ‘Hero Power©’
      • Community members and public health sector on Mental Health First Aid (Dr. Laffier is a Master Trainer).

    Dr. Barbara Perry
    • Life After . . . Reflections on Hate and Trauma, Ontario Tech, March 31, 2017
    • The Right Response: Right-Wing Extremism in Canada, Calgary AB, October 23, 2014
    • The Right Response: Right-Wing Extremism in Canada, Vancouver, BC, November 6, 2014
    • The Right Response: Right-Wing Extremism in Canada, Ontario Police College, Aylmer, ON, November 25, 2014
    • Curriculum Development/Instructor for Southeastern Arizona Police Academy
  • Certificates
    Dr. Jennifer Laffier
    • Trauma-Informed Care with Adolescents, The Centre in Adolescent Studies, Chicago, United States
    • SNAP for Schools Facilitator Certification, Issued from Child Development Institute, Toronto, ON.
    • ASIST Suicide Intervention Certification, (Senior Trainer) Issued from LivingWorks Inc., Alberta, Canada.
    • Mental Health First Aid Certification (Master Trainer for Canada) Issued from The Canadian Mental Health Association, Ottawa, ON.
    • Critical Incident Stress Management Certification Issued from Loyalist College, Maryland, U.S.
    • Threat Assessment and Trauma Response (Level 1 & 2) Issued from The Canadian Centre of Threat Assessment and Trauma Response, Regina, Saskatchewan.
    • Non -violent Crisis Intervention: Facilitator Certification Issued from the Crisis Prevention Institute, Ottawa, Ontario
    • Safe Schools Certification Level 1, 2 & 3 Issued from the Canadian Safe School Network, Toronto, Ontario
    • The Thomas-Killman Conflict Assessment-Facilitator Certification Issued from Career Life Skills, Toronto, Ontario
  • Policy Consultation
    Dr. Jennifer Laffier
    • Provides consolation for police, education departments in Canada related to well-being (Example- Canadian School boards and mental health policies)
    Dr. Barbara Perry
    • Developed “Durham Region Community Victim Impact Statements: Templates and Resources” (2007-2008)
    • Helped develop (alongside Dr. Scott Aquanno) the City of Oshawa’s Diversity and Inclusion Plan (2017)
    • Member of the Town of Whitby Ethno-Cultural & Diversity Advisory Committee
    • Serves as Families Engaged Program Co-Director for the Durham District School Board
    • Member of the Durham Region Police Services Diversity Advisory Committee
    • Member of the Oshawa BIA, as well as serving as Treasurer, Chair of the Economic Development Committee, and member of the Boundary Expansion Committee
    • Member of the Durham Community Development Council Advisory Council
    • Member of Committees Involved Durham
  • Community Program Development
    Dr. Barbara Perry
    • Co-producer of Egale Canada’s 2012 short film “Courage in the Face of Hate”
    • Sits on Board of Directors for PFLAG Canada Durham Region, in addition to serving as Education Coordinator, Chair of the LBGT Youth Leadership Camp Committee, and member of the Fund Development Committee
    • Sits on the Board of Directors for Bethesda House, Durham Region, as well as serving as President, Chair of the Governance Committee, and member of the Human Resources/Policy and Procedures Committee
    • Chair of Habitat for Humanity’s WomanBuild Project, Flagstaff, Arizona
    • Facilitator for “Building Community in Our School” for Christensen Elementary School, Flagstaff, Arizona
  • Conferences

    International Network of Hate Studies Conference, Ontario Tech, Oshawa, Ontario, May 29-31, 2018.

    Dr. Jennifer Laffier

    • Laffier, J. (2019). Mental Health First Aid for Pre-service Teachers. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE), Las Vegas, March 20-24.
    • Laffier, J. (2019). Mental health challenges for new post-secondary students: Exploring interventions for success. World Future Forum, Chicago, Ill., April 25-26.
    • Laffier, J. (2017). Emotional Intelligence training for new recruits in a police service: A longitudinal study. Internal Academy of Law and Mental Health 58th Conference,, Prague, Czech Republic, July 8-15
    • Laffier, J. (2013). Exploring how youth communicate signs and symptoms of suicidal ideation through social media, Youth 2.0 Conference, Antwerp, Belgium, March, 19-22.
    Dr. Tanner Mirrlees
    • Mirrlees, Tanner, Barb Perry and Brad Galloway. Mainstreaming White Supremacy via YouTube Country Music Videos: The Digital Revival of “Johnny Rebel.” Paper presented for British Society of Criminology Conference 2019, Public Criminologies: Community, Conflict and Justice, Lincoln, U.K., July 3-5, 2019.
    • Mirrlees, Tanner. Platform Imperialism, Platform Fascism, and Resistance. Paper presented for the Canadian Communication Association, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Vancouver, B.C., June 3, 2019.
    • Mirrlees, Tanner. Contextualizing Dr. Jordan Peterson’s ‘Cultural Marxism’: A Blue Pill for the Alt-Right. Paper/video presented for Responding to Jordan Peterson: An Intervention in Lieu of a Debate, Boise State University, October, 2018.
    • Mirrlees, Tanner. Doxxing, Trolling and Swarming the Alt-Right: A Digital United Front against Platform Fascism? Paper presented for Rethinking United Fronts and the Far Right, York University, July 20-21, 2018.
    • Mirrlees, Tanner. The Alt-Right’s “Cultural Marxism”: A Conspiracy Theory for White Nationalist Hate. Paper presented for UDC, Media, Resistance, and Justice: The Fight for Humanity, Loyala University, Chicago, IL, May 10-13, 2018
    • Mirrlees, Tanner. “The Alt-Right’s Conspiracy Theory of Power.” Paper presented for International Network of Hate Studies Conference, Ontario Tech, Oshawa, Ontario, May 29-31, 2018.
    • Bryan, Tim., Tanner Mirrlees, Ryan Scrivens, and Barbara Perry. “The Dangers of Porous Borders: The Trump Effect in Canada. Paper presented for International Network of Hate Studies Conference, Ontario Tech, Oshawa, Ontario, May 29-31, 2018.
    • Mirrlees, Tanner. “Social Media Populism in the Service of Authoritarianism.” Paper presented for Society for Socialist Studies, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, May 27-June 2, 2017.
    • Scrivens, Ryan., Tanner Mirrlees, and Barbara Perry. “You-Tubing White Power Music: An Exploration of Hate Anthems Online.” Paper presented for Western Society of Criminology (WSC) conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, February 9-11, 2017.
    • Mirrlees, Tanner. Tactics for Challenging the Alt-Right’s Platformization of Hate. Trump, Technology and the Far Right: Tactics for Challenging Right-Wing Extremism in Canada. Ontario Tech, Oshawa, Ontario, January 24, 2019.
    • Mirrlees, Tanner. Challenging the Alt-Right’s Platform Fascism. York University, Toronto, Ontario, September 26, 2018.
    • Mirrlees, Tanner. “What is the ‘Alt-Right’”? Art vs Alt Symposium, Steelworker’s Hall, Ontario, May 27, 2017.
    Dr. Barbara Perry
    • Galloway, Bradley, Ryan Scrivens, Barbara Perry, Garth Davies, and Richard Frank. “Boots on the Ground? Online and Offline Identities of the Extreme Right.” Presentation at 2019 Terrorism and Social Media Conference, Swansea, UK.
    • Davies, Garth, Ryan Scrivens, Barbara Perry, Bradley Galloway, and Richard Frank. “They’re Not All the Same: A Longitudinal Comparison of Violent and Non-Violent Right-Wing Identities Online.” Presentation at the 2019 Terrorism and Social Media Conference, Swansea, UK.
    • Perry, B., The Resurgence of Right-wing Extremism in Canada. Striving for Human Dignity Conference. Winnipeg, MB. March 14, 2019.
    • Perry, B. The Resurgence of the Right: Targeting Islam. Transnational Feminism in a Time of Digital Islamophobia Symposium. University of Toronto, Toronto. March 8, 2019.
    • Perry, B. Moving to the Hateful Beat: White Power YouTube Videos. TSAS Workshop. Carleton University, Ottawa, ON. March 7, 2019.
    • Perry, B. Labouring Against Right-wing Extremism. Ontario University Workers Coordinating Committee - We Can’t Afford Hate. February 23, 2019. CUPE Ontario, Thornhill, ON.
    • Perry, B. “We Just Want to Be Respected”: Islamophobic Hate Crime. Canadian Federation of University Women-Pickering. Pickering Recreation Centre, Pickering ON. February 21, 2019
    • Perry, B. Resisting Hatred: Challenging Hate and Right-Wing Extremism In Canada. Countering Violent Extremism: United in Partnerships. Toronto Police College, Toronto ON. January 29, 2019.
    • Perry, B. The Canadian Trump Effect. Trump, Technology and the Far-right. Ontario Tech, Oshawa ON. January 24, 2019.
    • Perry, B. (Keynote). Scoping the Field of Hate Crime. Systemic Racism and Sexism Colloquium, University of Paris Nanterre, Paris France. December 4, 2018.
    • Perry, B. Naming Systemic Discrimination in Ontario. Human Rights Roundtable, UNIFOR National, Ontario Regional Council. November 29, 2018.
    • Perry, B. The Rise of the Alt-Right. White Supremacy and the Alt-Right: Community Leaders and Our Response to Hate Groups in Canada, University of Toronto Hillel Student Society. Toronto ON. November 26, 2018.
    • Perry, B. State of Hate in Canada. Public Safety Canada/Facebook Hackathon. Toronto ON. November 22, 2018.
    • Perry, Barbara, and Ryan Scrivens. The Trump Effect on Right-Wing Extremism in Canada. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
    • Perry, B. (Keynote). Is There an Emerging Threat from Far-right Militias and the Anti-Authority Movement in the West? Canadian Association for Security and Intelligence Studies Conference, Vancouver BC. November 16, 2018.
    • Perry, B. Recognizing the Right: Right-wing Extremism in Canada. TEDx Talk Calgary. Calgary AB, November 3, 2018.
    • Perry, B. Hate on the Back Roads: Rural Patterns of Hate and Exclusion. Enhancing Inclusivity in Rural Canada, University of Alberta, Camrose AB, November 2, 2018.
    • Perry, B. The Rise of the Right. Ontario Federation of Labour, Annual Meeting. Toronto ON, October 29, 2018.
    • Perry, B. Contexts and Consequences of Hate. Ontario Police College, Aylmer ON. October 10, 2018.
    • Perry, B. “It could have been me:” The Community Impacts of Hate Crime. Public Lecture, Jena Germany, September 21, 2018.
    • Perry, B. (Keynote). How Do We Know What We Know About Hate Crime? Hate, Institute for Democracy and Civil Society, Jena Germany, September 20, 2018.
    • Perry, B. (Keynote). Resisting The Right: Challenging Right-Wing Extremism In Canada. The Good Fight, Edmonton AB, September 13, 2018.
    • Perry, B. Facing Down Hate. The Good Fight, Edmonton AB, September 14, 2018
    • Galloway, Bradley, Ryan Scrivens, Barbara Perry, Garth Davies, and Richard Frank. “Boots on the Ground? Online and Offline Identities of the Extreme Right.” Presentation at the VOX-Pol’s Third Biennial Conference – Violent Extremism, Terrorism, and the Inter-net: Present and Future Trends, Amsterdam, Netherlands. August 20, 2018.
    • Perry, B. Acknowledging Hatred in the Emerald Isle. Launch of the Ireland Country Report: Lifecycle of a Hate Crime. Irish Council for Civil Liberties, Dublin IE. July 4, 2018.
    • Mirrlees, Tanner, Barbara Perry, and Ryan Scrivens. “The Dangers of Porous Borders: The ‘Trump Effect’ in Canada.” Presentation at the International Network for Hate Studies Biennial Conference, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. May 30, 2018
    • Perry, B. The Resurgence of Right-wing Extremism in Canada: Targeting Islam. Ontario Police College, Aylmer ON. May 24, 2018.
    • Perry, B., The Rise of Hate. Pegasus III From Evidence to Action Conference. OISE, Toronto, ON. April 29, 2018.
    • Perry, B. The Resurgence of Right-Wing Extremism in Canada. Genocide Week Keynote. The Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies. Montreal, QC. April 12, 2018
    • Perry, B. A New Era of Hate. UNIFOR International Day for the Elimination of Racism and Discrimination. Oshawa, ON. March 25, 2018.
    • Perry, B. “It could have been me:” Community Impacts of Hate Crime. Durham Lifelong Learning Association. Whitby, ON. March 20, 2018
    • Perry, B. Contexts and Consequences of LGBTQ Hate Crime. Ministry of Attorney General Hate Crime Training Conference. Toronto, ON. March 7, 2018.
    • Perry, B. A Year of Fear: Remembering the Quebec City Shootings, Noor Cultural Centre, Toronto, ON. February 4, 2018.
    • Perry, B. “It could have been me.” Community Impacts of Hate Crime. Ontario Shores Grand Rounds, Whitby, ON. December 21, 2017.
    • Perry, B., and Garland, J. The State of Hate on Both Sides of the Pond. Surrey Masters Conference, University of Surrey. November 24, 2017
    • Perry, B. LGBTQ Needs and Services. Day Long Youth Worker Workshop, Regional Education for Child and Youth Workers’ Network, Oshawa, ON. November 9, 2017.
    • Perry, B. Queer Fears: LGBTQ Communities in the Justice System. Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police Diversity Forum, Orillia, ON. October 19, 2017.
    • Perry, B., “It could have been me:” The Community Impacts of Hate Crime. Kawartha Lakes School District Professional Development Training, Peterborough, ON. October 12, 2017.
    • Perry, B. LGBTQ Mental Health Challenges. Carion Fenn Foundation Mental Health Symposium, Whitby, ON. October 10, 2017.
    • Perry, B. The Resurgence Of Right-Wing Extremism In Canada: Targeting Islam. Tessellate Institute, Toronto, ON. September 16, 2017.
    • Perry, B. Looking to the Right: Focusing Attention on Right-wing Extremism. Canadian Network on Terrorism, Security and Society annual summer academy, Ottawa, ON. July 9, 2017.
    • Hofmann, David C., Barbara Perry, and Ryan Scrivens. “Talking with the Freemen-on-the-Land: Challenges and Lessons Learned.” Canadian Sociological Association Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    • Perry, B. 31st “It hurts Me Too:” Community Impacts of Hate Crime. Open lecture, University of Surrey. May 31, 2017.
    • Perry, B. Researching dangerous populations. University of Surrey Criminology graduate student seminar. University of Surrey. May 24, 2017.
    • Mirrlees, Tanner, Ryan Scrivens, and Barbara Perry. “You-Tubing White Power Music: An Exploration of Hate Anthems Online.” Western Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. February 10, 2017
    • Perry, B., & Scrivens, R. (2016). Missing Pieces and Misplaced Priorities: An Acknowledgement of Right-Wing Extremism in Canada. February 6, 2016, Western Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
    • Scrivens, R., & Perry, B. (2015). The “Right” Response to Right Wing Extremism in Canada.  November 21, 2015, American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
    • Perry, B., and Scrivens, R. (2015). White Pride Worldwide: Constructing Global Identities Online. Symposium on Internationalizing Hate Crime, Sussex University, Brighton, UK, May 7, 2015.
    • Perry, B., and Scrivens, R. (2014). Right Wing Extremism in Canada: An Environmental Scan of the Current State of the Canadian “Movement.” November 2014, American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
    • Perry, B. Visibilities, Vilification and Violence: Islamophobic Hate Crime in Canada (2014). June 2014. Department of Sociology, Auckland University, Auckland NZ.
    • Perry, B. (2014). Community Impacts of Hate Crime. June 2014, Auckland University, Auckland NZ.
    • Perry, B. (2014). Universal Suffering: A Global Continuum of Violence. Symposium on Regulating Emotions, May 13, 2014. Research Cluster in Emotions and Society, University of Limerick.
    • Perry, B. (2014). Universal Suffering: Intervening Globally in Hate Crime. International Network for Hate Studies Conference. May 9, 2014. University of Sussex, Brighton UK.
    • Perry, B., & Scrivens, R. (2014). “Three Man Wrecking Crews”: Right Wing Extremism in Canada. February 20, 2014, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
    • Scrivens, R., & Perry, B. (2013). Bound by the Code: Legal Constraints of Policing Gender-Motivated Violence in Canada. November 22, 2013, American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
    • Perry, B. (2013). Seeing Muslims: Identities, Visibilities, and Islamophobic Violence in Canada, May 9. Nottingham-Trent University, Nottingham UK.
    • Perry, B. (2013). “Rejected and dejected”: The Impacts of Islamophobic Violence on Community Members, May 8. Scarman Public Lecture, University of Leicester, Leicester UK.
    • Scrivens, R., Ricciardelli, R., & Perry, B. (2013). Animus towards Sex Offenders in Canadian Penitentiaries: Perspectives of Former Prisoners. May 15, 2013, Qualitative Analysis Conference, Ottawa, ON.
    • Perry, B., and Dyck, R. (2013). “I Don’t Know Where it is Safe”: Trans Identified Women’s Experience of Violence, April 25. Explorations in Justice Conference, University of Albany, Albany NY.
    • Perry, B. (2013). What Communities Want: Recognizing the Needs of Hate Crime Victims, Keynote Address. April 18.  Pursuit of Justice Conference, Gonzaga University, Spokane WA.
    • Perry, B. (2013). Right Wing Extremism in Canada: Preliminary Observations. Metropolis Conference, March 15, 2013. Ottawa ON.
    • Perry, B. (2013). Community Impacts of Hate Crime, February 7. Ontario Provincial Police Blue Sky Conference on Hate Crime and Extremism, Niagara Falls ON.
    • Perry, B. (2012). Confronting Homophobia: Full Day Workshop, November 21. Council of Social Services, Timmins, ON.
    • Perry, B. (2012). Right Wing Extremism in Canada: Acknowledging the Problem, November 9. Kanishka Opening Conference, Ottawa, ON.
    • Perry, B., and Ammar, N. (2012). Ontario Tech’s Contribution to Oshawa’s Downtown Revitalization, November 2. Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Seattle WA.
    • Perry, B. (2012). Community Impacts of Hate Crime. Hate Crime Symposium, October 22. Toronto Police College.
    • Perry, B. (2012). Impacts of Islamophobic Violence. Islamophobia Symposium, July 28. Salaheddin Islamic Centre, Scarborough ON.
    • Perry, B. (2012). Promising Practices in Responding to Hate Crime. Hate Crime Symposium, June 29. Oxford Brookes University, Oxford UK.
    • Perry, B. (2012). Islamophobic Violence in Canada, June 14, Scarborough Islamic Centre.
    • Perry, B. (2012). Islamophobic Violence in Canada, May 25, University of Ottawa.
    • Perry, B. (2012). Community Impacts of Hate Crime, University of Lancaster, May 3, 2012. Lancaster UK.
    • Perry, B. (2012). No, Not Every Crime is a Hate Crime: Leaving Emotion Out of the Equation. Symposium on Regulating Emotions, April 31, 2012. Research Cluster in Emotions and Society, University of Limerick.
    • Perry, B. (2012). Is Hate Getting Old? The Maturation of a Field of Study, Keynote Address. Hate Crime Symposium, Cardiff Centre for Crime, Law, and Justice, April 26, 2012. Cardiff University.
    • Perry, B. (2012). Anti-Muslim Violence in Canada. Manchester Metropolitan University, April 24, 2012. Manchester UK.
    • Perry, B. (2012). Anti-Muslim Violence in Canada: Preliminary Findings. Annual meeting of the ACJS, March 17, 2012. New York, NY.
    • Perry, B. (2012). The Community Impacts of Hate Crime. Canadian Federation of University Women, Durham Chapter, March 14, 2012. Oshawa, ON.
    • Perry, B. (2012). Policing Diversity. DRPS Community Forum, March 5, 2012. Ajax ON.
    • Perry, B. (2011). Gendered Islamophobic Violence. Conference on Violence Against Muslim Women and Girls, London Ontario. September 23, 2011.
    • Perry, B. (2011). Speaking of Hate, Keynote Address. When Law and Hate Collide Symposium. Gothenburg Sweden. September 26, 2011.
    • Perry, B. (2011). Disrupting the Mantra of Multiculturalism: Hate Crime in Canada. Annual Meeting of the ASC, Washington DC, November 18, 2011.
    • Perry, B. (2010). Challenging Canadian Values: Community Impacts of Hate Crime. Western Washington University, World Issues Forum. February 17, 2010.
    • Perry, B. (2010). Hate Crime: Canada in the International Context. Metropolis Conference. Montreal, March 20, 2010.
    • Perry, B. (2010). Making Sense of Hate Crime. Peterborough Police Hate Crime Conference, April 23, 2010.
    • Perry, B. (2009). Counting – and Countering – Hate Crime. OSCE/ODIHR Human Dimension Implementation meeting. Warsaw, Poland. October 5, 2009.
    • Perry, B. (2009). Outside Looking In: The Impact of Anti-Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Hate Crime on the Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Community. ASC Annual Meeting, Philadelphia PA. November 4, 2009.
    • Perry, B. (2009). Policing Hate Crime in Multicultural Societies. Budapest, Hungary. December 3, 2009.
    • Perry, B. (2008).  The Continuum of Fear: Hate Crime/Terrorism. Justice Canada, Ottawa. March.
    • Perry, B. (2008).  Dashed Ideals? The Impact Of Hate Crime On National Values. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences meetings, Boston. March.
    • Perry, B., and DeKeseredy, W. (2008).  Campus Hate Crime: Another Kind of Colour Blindness. American Society of Criminology Meetings. St. Louis MO. November.
    • Perry, B., and Alvi, S. (2008).  Hate Crime and the Community: The in Terrorem Effect. American Society of Criminology Meetings. St. Louis MO. November.
    • Perry, B., DeKeseredy, W., and Schwartz, M. (2007).  Hate-Motivated Sexual Assault on The College Campus: Results From A Canadian Representative Sample Survey. American Society of Criminology meetings. Atlanta GA, November.
    • Perry, B., DeKeseredy, W., and Schwartz, M. (2007).  Hate Crime on Canadian Campuses: Incidence and Prevalence from a Pilot Study. American Society of Criminology meetings. Atlanta GA, November.
    • Sutton, M., and Perry, B. (2007). Politicking the Personal: Examining Academic Literature and British National Party beliefs and wishes about intimate interracial relationships and mixed heritage. Paper presented at the International Conference, Law and Society in the 21st Century.  Berlin 2007. Available online, under the label Racism, at:
    • Perry, B. (2007). Hate Crime on Canadian Campuses: Preliminary Results of a Pilot Study. Western Social Science Association meetings. Calgary AB, April.
    • Poynting, S., and Perry, B. (2006) . Inspiring Islamophobia: Media and State targeting of Muslims in Canada since 9/11. Annual conference of the Australian Sociological Association, University of Western Australia, Perth, 4-7 December.
    • Perry, B., and Blazak, R. (2006). Places for Races: The White Supremacist Movement’s Organization of US Geography.  American Society of Criminology meetings. Los Angeles CA, November.
    • Perry, B., and Poynting, S. (2006). ‘The War on Terror’ and anti-Muslim hate crime in Canada and Australia since 9/11. Paper presented to British Academy seminar on 'The Social Impacts of the War on Terror', Melbourne Trades Hall, 13 July.
    • Perry, B. (2006). Hate Crime as A Human Rights Violation. Western Social Science Association meetings, April 2006, Phoenix, AZ.
    • Perry, B. (2005). “There’s just some places ya’ don’t wanna go:” The segregating impact of racial violence against Native Americans. Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, ON, November 2005.
    • Perry, B. (2005). Identity Crisis? Negotiating blackness in the British police service: A regional perspective. Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, ON, November 2005.
    • Perry, B. (2005). “The only good Indian . . .”: Reactionary Violence Against Native Americans, Western Social Science Association meetings, April 2005, Albuquerque NM.
    • Perry, B. and Sutton, M. (2005). Good Practice in the Communication of Anti-racism, Keynote Address. Hate Crime Conference, February 2005, Nottingham UK.
    • Perry, B. (2005). The Forgotten Victims: Hate Crime Against Native Americans, Hate Crime Conference, February 2003, Nottingham UK
    • Perry, B. (2004). “Who Ya’ Gonna Call? Under- and Over-enforcement of Native American Communities,” Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Nashville, TN, November 2004.
    • Perry, B. (2004). Normative Violence: Everyday Racism in the Lives of Native Americans. Western Social Science Association meetings, April 2004, Salt Lake City Utah.
    • Perry, B. (2004). A Crime by Any Other Name: The Semantics of Hate. Keynote Address, 2nd Annual Hate Crime Conference, February 2004, Nottingham UK.
    • Perry, B. (2004). What’s the Difference?  Talking About Hate Crime in the US and the UK. 2nd Annual Hate Crime Conference, February 2004, Nottingham UK.
    • Sutton, M., and Perry, B. (2004). Politicking the Personal: Bias, Prejudice and Interracial Relationships. 2nd Annual Hate Crime Conference, February 2004, Nottingham UK.
    • Perry, B. (2003). Where Do We Go from Here?  Future Directions in Hate Crime Scholarship. Keynote Address, 1st Annual Hate Crime Conference, February 2003, Nottingham UK.
    • Perry, B. (2003). “Ethnoviolence in the Deep North: Hate Crime Victimization Against Native Americans in Minnesota and Wisconsin,” Annual Meetings of the Western Social Science Association, April 2003, Las Vegas NV.
    • Perry, B. (2002). “‘Pay-Back’s a Bitch’:” The White Supremacist Response to the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks,” Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL, November 2002.
    • Perry, B. (2002) Retaliatory Violence Against Muslims and Arabs. Annual meetings of the Justice Studies Association, Portland ME; May/June 2002.
    • Perry, B. (2001). Backlash Violence Against Muslims. Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta GA, November 2001.
    • Perry, B. (2001). From Ethnocide to Ethnoviolence: Layers of Native American Victimization. Annual Meetings of the Western Social Science Association, Reno, NV, April 2001.
    • Perry, B. (2000). Native American Victims of Campus Ethnoviolence. Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco CA, November 2000.
    • Perry, B. (2000). Native Americans on the Edge: Racial Violence Against Navajo in Reservation Border-towns. Annual Meetings of the Western Social Science Association, San Diego CA, April 2000.
    • Perry, B. (1999). Native American Victims of Ethnoviolence. Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto ON; November 1999.
    • Perry, B. (1999). Racial and Sexual Harassment Against Women in Canadian Public Housing,” Annual Meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems,” Chicago IL, August 1999.
    • Perry, B. (1998). Permission to Hate: Law Enforcement Abuse and Ethnoviolence. Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Washington DC; November 1998.
    • Perry, B. (1998). Permission to Hate: Legal Hegemony and Hate Crime. Annual Meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems,” San Francisco CA, August 1998.
    • Perry, B. (1998). Malevolent Messages: Cartoon Images of Hate in Extremist Literature.  Annual Meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Albuquerque NM, March 1998.
    • Perry, B. (1997). Beyond Black and White: Minority on Minority Violence. Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, San Diego CA; November 1997.
    • Perry, B. (1997). Hate Groups and Ideologies of Power. Annual Meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Toronto, Ontario; August 1997.
    • Perry, B. (1996). Hate Crime: Toward a Theoretical Account. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences annual meetings, Las Vegas, Nevada; March 14, 1996.
    • Perry, B. (1996). The State of Hate: The Impact of Policy, Practice and Rhetoric on Hate Crime. American Society of Criminology meetings, Chicago IL; November 21, 1996.
    • Perry, B. (1995). Gay-Bashing: Doing Gender and Doing Gender Inappropriately. American Society of Criminology Meetings, Boston, MA; November 15, 1995.
    • Perry, B. (1995). Hate Crimes Against Gay Men and Lesbians in a Small City. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meetings, Boston, MA; March 9, 1995.
    • Perry, B. 1994). Dancing Out of Step: The United States, Canada and the War on Crime.  Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, Learned Societies Conference, Calgary, June 1994.
    • Perry, B. (1993). Comparative Justice Politics: Canada and the United States. American Society of Criminology meetings, Phoenix AZ, October 1993.
    • Perry, B., Hatt, K., and Caputo, T. (1993). Free Trade, Passive Citizenship and Protective Justice. American Society of Criminology meetings, Phoenix AZ, October 1993 (with Ken Hatt and Tullio Caputo).
    • Perry, B. (1993). Clashes, Conflicts and the Charter: Defining “The Nation(s) in Canada. Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, Learned Societies Conference; Ottawa, Ontario; June 7, 1993.
    • Perry, B. (1993). Hegemonic Politics in Canada: Limitations on Legal Rights in Canada. Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association and the Canadian Law and Society Association, Learned Societies Conference; Ottawa, Ontario; June 7, 1993.
    • Perry, B. (1993). Public and Police Powers: Limitations on Charter Legal Rights in Canada. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences; Kansas City, Missouri; March 20, 1993.
    • Perry, B. (1992). The Charter of Rights and Hegemonic Politics in Canada. American Society of Criminology Meetings, New Orleans; November 6, 1992.
    • Perry, B., Hatt, K., and Caputo, T. (1990). Justice and Security, Not Law and Order: Criminal Justice Hegemony in the Mulroney Era. American Society of Criminology meetings, Baltimore Maryland, November 1990.
    • Hatt, K., Caputo, T., and Perry, B. (1990). Parole in an Era of Protective Justice, Ontario Board of Parole Annual Professional Development Conference, Guelph, Ontario, November, 1990.
    • Hatt, K., Perry, B., and Caputo, T. (1990). Protective Justice as the Context of Canadian Criminal Justice Policy. Social Policy in the 1990s - A National Experience, Ottawa, October, 1990.
    • Perry, B., Hatt, K., and Caputo, T. (1990). Managing Consent: Canada's Experience with Neo-Conservatism. Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association / Society for Social-ist Studies at the Learned Societies Conference, University of Victoria, Victoria British Columbia, May 1990.
    • Perry, B., Hatt, K., and Caputo, T. (1989). Managing the Crisis: The New Right, the Media and Criminal Justice Policy in Canada. Canadian Law and Society Association meetings at the Learned Societies Conference, Laval University, Quebec City, June 1989
  • Academic Journals

    Dr. Jennifer Laffier

    • Laffier, J. (2019). Who am I?: How the loss of identity can lead to hate and apathy. Journal of Adolescent Mental Health (accepted July 2019).
    • Ewert, C., Bernard, G., Laffier, J., & Maynard, M. (2019). Choices in approaching conflict, 2nd Edition. Toronto: Edmund Montgomery Publishing.
    • Laffier, J., Hughes, J., & Petrarca, D. (2016). The role of culturally competent future teachers in promoting global citizens in their classrooms: Best practice ideas from a pre-service teacher education.
    • Laffier, J. (2016). The role of artistic expression in the psychological empowerment of bullying victims. Canadian Art Therapy Association Journal: Special Edition on Art Therapy and Mental Health, 29(1), 12-20. Taylor & Francis. doi. 10.1080/08322473.2016.1171987
    • Hughes, J. & Laffier, J. (2016). Portrayals of the bully, bullied and bystander in YA fiction: Considerations for schools. Canadian Journal of Education, 39(3), 1-24.
    Dr. Tanner Mirrlees
    • Perry, B., Mirrlees, T., & Scrivens, R. (2019). The Trump Effect: In Canada?. Journal of Hate Studies (Special Issue: Interrogating the Place of Hate in the 2016 Presidential Campaign), 14(1), 101-123.
    • Mirrlees, T. (2018). The Alt-Right’s ‘Cultural Marxism’: A political instrument of intersectional hate. Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture & Social Justice, 39(1), 49-69.
    • Mirrlees, T. (2017, February 7). American Islamophobia in the age of Trump: The global war on terror, continued?. International Network for Hate Studies (INHS). Retrieved from
    Dr. Barbara Perry
    • Articles
      • Perry, Barbara, Ryan Scrivens & Amarnath Amarasingam. (Forthcoming). Right-wing extremism in Canada: Trends and trajectories. CTC Sentinel.
      • Perry, Barbara, David C. Hofmann, & Ryan Scrivens. (Forthcoming). Anti-authority and militia movements in Canada. Journal of Intelligence Conflict and Warfare.
      • Mirrlees, T., Perry, B, & Scrivens, R. (2018). The dangers of porous borders: The “Trump Effect” in Canada. Journal of Hate Studies, 14(1), 53-75.
      • Perry, B., & Mason, G. (2018). Introduction. Special Edition: Hate Discourse. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy.
      • Perry, B., Hofmann, D., & Scriven, R. (2018). “Confrontational but not violent”: An assessment of the potential for violence by the anti-authority community in Canada. Terrorism and Political Violence (accepted July 2018).
      • Perry, Barbara, & Ryan Scrivens. (2018). A climate for hate? An exploration of the right-wing extremist landscape in Canada. Critical Criminology, 26(2), 169-187. DOI: 10.1007/s10612-018-9394-y.
      • Mirrlees, T., Scrivens, R., & Perry, B. (2018). YouTubing white power music: An exploration of hate anthems online. Radical Criminology (in press).
      • Scrivens, R., & Perry, B. (2018). Resisting the right: Countering right-wing extremism in Canada. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 59(4), 534–558.
      • Douai, A., & Perry, B. (2017). Equitable lens: How Canada’s ethnic minority media cover crime. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 60(1), 96–121.
      • Perry, B., & Scrivens, R. (2016) Uneasy Alliances: A look at the right-wing extremist movement in Canada. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 39(9), 819-841.
      • Perry, B., Perry J., Schweppe, J, & Walters, M. (2015) Guest editors, Criminal Justice Policy Review: Understanding Hate Crime: Research, Policy and Practice.
      • Perry, B., Perry J., Schweppe, J, & Walters, M. (2015) Introduction – Understanding hate crime: Research, policy and practice. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 27(6).
      • Perry, B. (2015). Intervening globally: Confronting hate across the world. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 27(6), 590-609.
      • Perry, B. (2015). Disrupting the mantra of multiculturalism: Hate crime in Canada. American Behavioral Scientist, 59(13), 1637 –1654.
      • Perry, B. (2015). “All of a sudden, there are Muslims”: Identities, visibilities, and Islamophobic violence in Canada. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 4(3), 4-15.
      • Perry, B. (2015). What communities want: Recognizing the needs of hate crime victims. Journal of Hate Studies, 11(1), 6-18.
      • Perry, B., & Dyck, R. (2014). “I don’t know where it is safe”: Trans women’s experience of violence. Critical Criminology, 22(1), 49-63.
      • Scrivens, R., & Perry, B. (2014). Bound by the Code: Legal constraints of policing gender-motivated violence in Canada. Journal of International Criminal Justice Research, 1.
      • Perry, B. (2013). Gendered Islamophobia: Women’s vulnerability to anti-Muslim violence. Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, 20(1), 74-89. DOI: 10.1080/13504630.2013.864467
      • Bell, J., & Perry, B. (2013). Outside looking in: The community impacts of anti-gay, lesbian and bisexual violence. Journal of Homosexuality, 62(1), 98-120.
      • Perry, B.  (2011). Identity and hate crime on Canadian campuses. Race and Justice, 1(4), 321-340.
      • Perry, B., & Alvi, S. (2011). “We are all vulnerable:” The in terrorem effects of hate crime. International Review of Victimology, 18(1), 57-72.
      • Perry, B. (2010). “No biggie”: The denial of oppression on campus. Education, Citizenship, and Social Justice, 5(3), 265-279.
      • Perry, B. (2010). Policing hate crime in a multicultural country: Observations from Canada. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice. 38, 120-140.
      • Perry, B. (2010). Counting – and countering – hate crime in Europe. European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law, and Criminal Justice, 18(3), 261-281.
      • Perry, B., & Blazak, R. (2010). Places for races: The White Supremacist movement imagines U.S. geography. Journal of Hate Studies, 8, 29-51.
      • Perry, B. (2009). Impacts of disparate policing in Indian country. Policing and Society. 19(3), 263-281.
      • Perry, B., & Olsson, P. (2009). Cyberhate: The globalization of hate. Information and Communications Technology Law, 18(2), 185-199.
      • Sutton, M., & Perry, B. (2009). Politicking the personal: Examining academic literature and British National Party beliefs and wishes about intimate interracial relationships and mixed heritage. Information and Communications Technology Law, 18(2), 83-98.
      • Perry, B. (2009). “There’s just places ya’ don’t wanna go:” The segregating impact of hate crime against Native Americans. Contemporary Justice Review, 12(4), 401-418.
      • Perry, B., & Sutton, M. (2008). Policing the colour line: Violence against those in intimate interracial relationships. Race, Gender and Class.
      • Poynting, S., & Perry, B. (2007). Climates of hate: Media and state-inspired victimisation of Muslims in Canada and Australia since 9/11. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 19(2), 151- 171.b
      • Perry, B., & Sutton, M. (2006). Seeing red over Black and White: Popular and media representations of interracial relationships as precursors to racial violence. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 48(6).
      • Sutton, M., Perry, B., John-Baptiste, C., & Williams, G. (2006). Black and Asian police officers and support staff: Prejudice, identity, agency and social cohesion. Internet Journal of Criminology.
      • Perry, B. (2006). A crime by any other name: The semantics of “hate.” Journal of Hate Studies, 4, 411-444.
      • Perry, B. (2006). “Nobody trusts ‘em:” Over- and under-policing Native American communities. Critical Criminology.
      • Perry, B., & Robyn, L. (2005). Putting anti-Indian violence in context: The case of the Great Lakes Chippewa. American Indian Quarterly, 29(3/4).
      • Perry, B. (2003). Where do we go from here?  Future directions in hate crime scholarship. Internet Journal of Criminology (refereed).
      • Perry, B. (2002). From ethnocide to ethnoviolence: Layers of Native American victimization. Contemporary Justice Review, 5(3), 231-247.
      • Perry, B. (2002). Native American victims of campus ethnoviolence. Journal of American Indian Education, 41(1), 35-55.
      • Perry, B. (2002). Hate crime and identity politics. Theoretical Criminology, 6(4), 485-491.
      • Perry, B. (2002). Defending the color line: Racially and ethnically motivated hate crime. American Behavioral Scientist, 46(1), 72-92.
      • Perry, B. (2001). Trouble in paradise: Anti-gay violence in a rural community. Journal of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 38(2), 83-94.
      • Perry, B. (2000). “Button-down terror”: The metamorphosis of the hate movement. Sociological Focus, 33(2), 113-131.
      • Perry, B. (2000). Beyond Black and White: Ethnoviolence between oppressed groups. Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance, 2, 301-323.
      • Dekeseredy, W., Schwartz, M., Alvi, S., & Perry, B. (1999). Violence against and harassment of women in Canadian public housing: An exploratory study. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 36(4), 499-516.
      • Perry, B. (1998). Defenders of the faith: Hate groups and ideologies of power. Patterns of Prejudice, 32(3), 32-54.
      • Perry, B. (1996). The Dilemmas of citizenship: Limitations on Canadian legal rights. Critical Criminology, 7(1), 17-36.
      • Perry, B. (1995). The role of popular mobilizations in the struggle for the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Crime, Law and Social Change, 22, 183-212.
      • Perry, B. (1995). Clashes, conflicts and the Charter: Defining “The Nation(s)” in Canada. Journal of History and Politics, 11, 124-147.
      • Beirne, P., & Perry, B. (1995). Criminal victimisation in the industrialised world: A review essay. Crime, Law and Social Change, 21, 155-165.
      • Perry, B., Hatt, K., & Caputo, T. (1992). Criminal justice policy under Mulroney, 1984-90: Neo-Conservativism, eh?. Canadian Public Policy, 18(3), 245-260 (reprinted in Ronald Hinch (ed.), Readings in Critical Criminology; Nelson Hall Canada, Toronto).
      • Hatt, K., Caputo, T., & Perry, B. (1990.) Managing consent: Canada's experience with Neo-Conservatism. Social Justice, 17(4), 30-48.

    Other Scholarly Contributions:

    • Books:
      • Perry, B. (2015). Diversity, crime and justice in Canada (2nd ed.). Toronto: Oxford Press.
      • Perry, B. (2011). Diversity, crime and justice in Canada. Toronto: Oxford.
      • Perry, B. (2009). Policing race and place: Under- and over-policing in Indian Country. Lexington, MA: Lexington Press.
      • Perry, B. (2009). Hate crime: Issues and perspectives (General Editor of 5 Volume set). Westport, CT: Praeger.
      • Perry, B. (2009).  Volume 3: Victims of hate crime. Westport, CT: Praeger.
      • Perry, B. (2008). Silent victims: Hate crime against Native Americans. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press.
      • DeKeseredy, W., & Perry, B. (2006). Advancing critical criminology: Theory and application. Lexington, MA: Lexington Press.
      • Perry, B. (2003). Hate crime: A reader. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
      • Perry, B. (2001). In the name of hate: Understanding hate crimes. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
      • Nielsen, M., & Perry, B. (2000) Investigating difference: Human and cultural relations in criminal justice. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
    • Book Chapters
      • Perry, B. (forthcoming). Right thinking: Criminologists on right-wing extremism. In S. Ashe, J. Busher, G. Macklin, and A. Winter (eds.), Researching the Far Right: Theory, method and practice.
      • Perry, B., & Scrivens, R. (forthcoming). Who’s a terrorist? What’s terrorism? Comparative media representations of right-wing and Islamic extremist violence in Canada. In Jeremy Littlewood (ed.), Canada among nations. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
      • Perry, B., & Scrivens, R. (2017). The maturation of hate crime scholarship. In P. Bean (Ed.), Hate crime: Critical concepts in criminology (pp. 150-178). London: Routledge.
      • Perry, B., (2016). Legislating hate in Ireland: The view from here. In A. Haynes, J. Schweppe, S. Taylor (eds.). Critical perspectives on hate crime: Contributions from the Island of Ireland. London: Palgrave.
      • Perry, B., & Scrivens, R. (2016). White pride worldwide: Constructing global identities online. In J. Schweppe and M. Walters (eds.), The globalisation of hate: Internationalising hate crime?. London: Oxford University Press
      • Perry, B. (2016) “Rejected and dejected”: The impacts and contexts of Islamophobic violence. In Kim Sadique and Perry Stanislas (eds.), Religion, faith and crime.
      • Perry, B. (2015). Hate crime: Contexts and consequences (Introductory Chapter). Minority Rights Group International: State of the world’s minorities and Indigenous peoples, 2014. London: Minority Rights Group International. 
      • Perry, B. (2015). Exploring the community impacts of hate crime. In Nathan Hall, Abbee Corb, Paul Giannasi and John Grieve (Eds.), International handbook on hate crime (pp. 47-58). London: Routledge.
      • Perry, B. (2015). Hate crime in the peaceable kingdom. In Thomas Fleming and Patricia O’Reilly (eds.), Violence in Canada: An anthology of contemporary issues. Whitby ON: De Sitter.
      • Perry, B., & Dyck, R. (2014). Courage in the face of hate: A curricular resource for confronting anti-LGBTQ violence. In N. Chakraborti and J. Garland (eds.), Responding to hate crime: The case for connecting policy and research (pp. 85-98). Bristol UK: Policy Press.
      • Perry, B. (2014). Contexts and consequences of hate crime against Native Americans. In Jeffrey Ian Ross (ed.), Handbook of Native Americans at risk (pp. 95-112). Santa Barbara CA: Greenwood.
      • Perry, B. (2011). Considering diversity and justice in Canada. In Perry, B.  (ed.), Diversity, crime and justice in Canada (pp. 3-15). Toronto: Oxford.
      • Perry, B. (2011). Framing difference. In Perry, B.  (ed.), Diversity, crime and justice in Canada (pp. 16-38). Toronto: Oxford.
      • Perry, B. (2011).  The mythical norm. In Perry, B. (ed.), Diversity, crime and justice in Canada (pp. 57-72). Toronto: Oxford.
      • Zong, L., & Perry, B. (2011). Chinese immigrants in Canada and social justice: From overt to covert racial discrimination. In Perry, B. (ed.), Diversity, crime and justice in Canada (pp. 106-124). Toronto: Oxford.
      • Perry, B., & Alvi, S. (2011). South Asians and justice in Canada. In Perry, B. (ed.), Diversity, crime and justice in Canada (pp. 149-163).  Toronto: Oxford.
      • Perry, B. (2011). Criminal justice/social justice. In Perry, B.  (ed.), Diversity, crime and justice in Canada (pp. 349-365). Toronto: Oxford.
      • Perry, B. (2010). The more things change … Post 9/11 trends in hate crime scholarship. In N. Chakraborti (ed.), Hate crime: Concepts, policy, future directions (pp. 17-39). Devon: UK.
      • Perry, B. (2009). Set introduction, Hate Crime (5 Volume Set). Westport, CT: Praeger.
      • Perry, B. (2009) Introduction. In Perry, B. (ed.), Hate crime victims. Westport, CT: Praeger.
      • Perry, B., (2009). Racist violence against Native Americans. In Perry, B.  (ed.), Hate crime victims. Westport: CT: Praeger.
      • Perry, B., (2009). Anti-Muslim violence in the post-9/11 era: Motive forces. In Randy Blazak (ed.), Hate crime offenders. Westport, CT: Praeger.
      • Perry, B., (2009). Theorizing hate: Sociological approaches. In Brian Levin (ed.), Measuring and defining hate crime. Westport, CT: Praeger.
      • Perry, B. and Olsson, P. (2009). Hate crime as a human rights violation. In Paul Iganski (ed.), The impacts of hate crime. Westport, CT: Praeger.
      • Perry, B., (2008) Constructing sexual identities: Gay men and lesbians in the criminal justice system. In Criminal Justice Collective of Northern Arizona (Eds.), Investigating difference: Human and cultural relations in criminal justice, 2nd ed. New York NY: Prentice Hall.
      • Perry, B. (2008). Perpetual outsiders: Criminal justice and the Asian American experience. In Criminal Justice Collective of Northern Arizona (Eds.), Investigating difference: Human and cultural relations in criminal justice, 2nd ed. New York NY: Prentice Hall.
      • Perry, B., Costelloe, M., & Fernandez, L. (2008). Exclusion, inclusion and violence: Immigrants and criminal justice. In Criminal Justice Collective of Northern Arizona (Eds.), Investigating difference: Human and cultural relations in criminal justice, 2nd ed. New York NY: Prentice Hall.
      • Perry, B., & Morgan, P. (2008). In whose god we trust: Religious difference, persecution, and criminal justice. In Criminal Justice Collective of Northern Arizona (Eds.), Investigating difference: Human and cultural relations in criminal justice, 2nd ed. New York NY: Prentice Hall.
      • Perry, B. (2007). “It’s just the way life is here:” Hate crime against Native Americans. In Marianne Nielsen and Robert Silverman (eds.), Issues in Native American justice.
      • Perry, B. (2006). Missing pieces: The paucity of hate crime scholarship. In W. Dekeseredy and B. Perry (eds.), A critical criminology reader. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
      • Perry, B. (2005). Normative violence: Everyday racism in the lives of Native Americans. In A. Aguirre and D. Baker (eds.), Structured inequality in the United States: Discussions on the continuing significance of race, ethnicity, and gender, 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
      • Perry, B. (2003). Accounting for hate crime. In M. Schwartz and S. Hatty (eds.), Controversies in critical criminology (pp. 147-160). Cincinnati OH: Anderson.
      • Perry, B. (2003). Anti-Muslim retaliatory violence following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. In Perry, B. (ed.), Hate and bias crime: A reader (pp. 183-201). New York: Routledge.
      • Perry, B. (2003). “White genocide”: White Supremacist discourse and the politics of reproduction. In Abby Ferber (ed.), Home grown racism: Gender and organized racism. New York: Routledge.
      • Perry, B., & Nielsen, M. (1999). Introduction: Investigating difference. In M. Nielsen and B. Perry, B. (eds.), Investigating difference: Human and cultural relations in criminal justice. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
      • Perry, B. (1999). Exclusion, inclusion and violence: Immigrants and criminal justice. In M. Nielsen and B. Perry (eds.), Investigating difference: Human and cultural relations in criminal justice. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
      • Perry, B. (1999). Perpetual outsiders: Criminal justice and the Asian American experience. M. Nielsen and B. Perry (eds.), Investigating difference: Human and cultural relations in criminal justice. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
      • Perry, B., (1999). Constructing sexual identities: Gay men and lesbians in the criminal justice system. In M. Nielsen and B. Perry (eds.), Investigating difference: Human and cultural relations in criminal justice. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
      • Perry, B. (1999). In whose god we trust? Religious difference, persecution and violence. In M. Nielsen and B. Perry (eds.), Investigating difference: Human and cultural relations in criminal justice. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
      • Perry, B., & Morgan, P. (1999). Irreconcilable differences? Understanding the crime victim/criminal justice worker relationship. In M. Nielsen and B. Perry (eds.), Investigating difference: Human and cultural relations in criminal justice. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
      • Perry, B., & Nielsen, M. (1999). Conclusion: Reinvestigating difference. In M. Nielsen and B. Perry (eds.), Investigating difference: Human and cultural relations in criminal justice. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
      • Perry, B., Caputo, T., & Hatt, K. (1994). Managing consent: Hegemony and juvenile justice in Canada. In R.S. Ratner (ed.), State hegemony in Canada: Order, resistance and change. Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia Press.
    • Encyclopedia Entries
      • Barbara Perry (forthcoming). Hate crime. In Jeffrey Ian Ross (ed.), Encyclopedia of street crime. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
      • Barbara Perry (forthcoming). Hate crime, criminal justice responses. In Sage encyclopedia of interpersonal violence. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
      • Barbara Perry (forthcoming). Hate crime, racially motivated. In Sage encyclopedia of interpersonal violence. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
      • Barbara Perry (forthcoming). Hate crime in Canada. In Encyclopedia of race and ethnicity.
      • Barbara Perry (forthcoming). Muslims in Canada. In Encyclopedia of race and ethnicity.
      • Barbara Perry (forthcoming). Identity politics. In Encyclopedia of race and ethnicity.
      • Perry, B. (1999). Bonnie Parker. In Encyclopedia of women and crime (pp. 161-162). Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press.
      • Perry, B. (1999). Sexual orientation and civil rights. In Encyclopedia of criminology and deviant behavior (pp. 395-398). Abbingdon, UK: Taylor and Francis.
    • Book Reviews
      • Perry, B. (2008). Review of Madonna Maidment, Doing Time on the Outside. Resources for Feminist Research, 32,(3/4).
      • Perry, B. (2007). Primer in Radical Criminology, 4th ed., by Michael Lynch and Raymond Michalowski (2006). Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
      • Perry, B. (2007). Doing Time on the Outside: Deconstructing the Benevolent Community, by Madonna Maidment (2006). Resources for Feminist Research.
      • Perry, B. (2006) Hate Crime, by Nathan Hall. British Journal of Criminology.
      • Perry, B. (2005). Why We Hate, by Jack Levin and Gordana Rabrenovic. Contemporary Sociology.
      • Perry, B. (2004). Underground Codes, by Katheryn Russell-Brown. Contemporary Sociology.
      • Perry, B. (2002). Making Hate a Crime: From Social Movement to Law Enforcement, by Valerie Jenness and Ryken Grattet. Contemporary Sociology, 31(6), 737-739.
      • Perry, B. (1992). Disruptions: Studies in Canadian Constitutional Change, by Alan Cairns. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 29(4), 535-538.
    • Other
      • Canadian Human Rights Commission. (2019). Fast Talk paper on emerging trends in hate crime in Canada.
      • Perry, B., Hofmann, D., & Scrivens, R. (2017). Broadening our understanding of anti-authority movements in Canada. Canadian Network for Terrorism, Security and Society.
      • Perry, B., & Scrivens, R. (2015). The right response: Right wing extremism in Canada. Final Report, Kanishka project (160 pp).
      • Perry, B.  (2009). The continuum of fear: Hate crime/terrorism. Ottawa: Department of Justice.
      • Sutton, M., Perry, B., Parke, J., & John-Baptiste, C. (2008). Getting the message across: Using media to reduce ‘racial’ and ethnic prejudices (Home Office Research Study). London: Home Office.
      • Perry, B. & John-Baptiste, C. (2007). Identity crisis? Negotiating Blackness in the British Police Service: A regional perspective. Nottingham Black Police Association: Nottingham, UK.