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Video archives

Recordings from the live plenary sessions are available on the agenda page.


The semiotics of hate-based violence

Daniel Collen

Throwback fascism: accelerationist fascination with faux 50s

Michael Loadenthal

From flowers to far-right extremists: a genealogy of ecology

Jade Hutchinson


Seeping hate: how deplatformed individuals remain on social media

Carmen Celestini


Affective islamophobia and digital governmentality

Zeinab Farokhi


Social media platforms and the dangers of outlinking

Barbara Molas & Bethan Johnson


Mrs. Midwest, the Trad-Wife, and the mundane radicalization of women online

Melody Devries


Content analysis of Right-wing YouTube and gender: an affect theory perspective

Jordan Etherington


The moderation of online hate speech on Facebook: an analysis of oversight board decisions

Laise Milena Barbosa


White power music: it's role in radicalization online and challenges in policy development

Abhishek Roy & Brad Galloway


Canada First is inevitable: analyzing youth-oriented far-right propaganda on TikTok

Etienne Quintal


The Rebels Yell: analyzing hateful discourse on Rebel Media's Twitter and YouTube accounts

Irfan Chaudry


The online geography of hate: how the internet shapes hate acts

Louis Audet-Gosselin, Khaoula el Khalil, Gabriel Lariviere, Hiba Zerrougui


Political astroturfing in twitterscape: the role of the troll armies in Turkey's democratic backsliding

Davut Akca, Suleyman Ozeren, Ismail Onat, & Suat Cubukcu


Online hate speech in sport and the role of intercultural communications: the case of Italy

Sveva Battaglia


"Everyone I know isn't Antisemitic": Antisemitism in Facebook pages supportive of the UK Labour Party

Jakob Guhl


Dehumanisation of 'outgroups' on Facebook and Twitter: towards a framework for assessing online hate organizations and actors 

Rita Jabri-Markwell


Singh is King, and Weedman is Bad: representations of Canadian Party leaders on /pol/ during the 2021 federal election

Daniel Panneton


Free-speech or political correctness, one must choose: reception, criticisms, circumvention of the content moderation of the French Forum 18-25

Olivier Peria


Qualitative interdisciplinary approaches to unveiling hateful discourses: a turning point in web-related antisemitism studies

Matthias J. Becker & Laura Ascone


The far-right and the ugly side of social media: dark participation on BitChute

Ahmed Al-Rawi, Nathan Worku, Carmen Celestini, & Nicole Stewart