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This is a picture of Dr. Andrea Braithwaite.

Andrea Braithwaite, PhD

Senior Teaching Professor
  • creative industries
  • cultural theory
  • pop culture
  • women and crime in detection stories
  • feminist activism in online and gaming communities

Gary Genosko's profile photo

Gary Genosko, PhD

  • Creative Industries
  • Cultural Theory
  • Information Politics

Emilia King

Emilia King, PhD

Assistant Professor
  • Critical political economy of digital media and digital media entrepreneurship
  • Interactive and digital media storytelling and production
  • The media business
  • Media policy
  • Emergent industry trends
  • Independent production strategy
  • Design thinking
  • Podcasting
  • Television and film strategy, production and analysis

Zenia Kish

Zenia Kish, PhD

Assistant Professor
  • Global digital media
  • Social media
  • Strategic communication
  • Critical finance studies
  • Philanthropy
  • Digital agriculture
  • Food media
  • International development
  • Racial capitalism
  • Political economy of digital media
  • Silicon Valley innovation

This is a profile picture of Dr. Sharon Lauricella, Associate Professor with the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities at Ontario Tech University.

Sharon Lauricella, PhD

  • student mental health
  • feminist and cultural digital identities
  • pedagogy/educational technology

Tanner Mirrlees

Tanner Mirrlees, PhD

Associate Professor
  • Global political economy of communications
  • Creative and entertainment industries
  • Digital media platforms and cultural policy
  • Work and labour in the digital age
  • Persuasion, public relations and propaganda
  • Political and strategic communication
  • War, media and conflict
  • Social media and society
  • New media and activism
  • The social shaping of technology
  • Critical theory

Isabel Pedersen's profile picture

Isabel Pedersen, PhD

  • AI and social implications
  • Embodied computing