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Tanner Mirrlees

Tanner Mirrlees

Associate Professor

Undergraduate Program Director

Dr. Mirrlees is a political economist of digital technologies and the creative and entertainment industries.

Contact information

Bordessa Hall - Room 312
Downtown Oshawa
55 Bond Street East
Oshawa, ON

905.721.8668 ext. 5852 profile

Research areas

  • Global political economy of communications
  • Creative and entertainment industries
  • Digital media platforms and cultural policy
  • Work and labour in the digital age
  • Persuasion, public relations and propaganda
  • Political and strategic communication
  • War, media and conflict
  • Social media and society
  • New media and activism
  • The social shaping of technology
  • Critical theory
  • Sustainable energy
  • Environmental communication
  • Green digital technology
  • EdTech industry

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Researcher Profile

Courses taught

  • Historical and Cultural Perspectives on Globalization
  • Entertainment Goes Global
  • Global Media Industries
  • Globalization and the Global Media
  • International Relations and Communication
  • Public Diplomacy as Communication: From the United States to the World
  • Introduction to Communication Studies
  • Mass Communication
  • Information & Society
  • Computer-Mediated Communication
  • Power, Technology and Social Change
  • Communication, Technology and Culture
  • Popular Technologies and Cultural Practice
  • Television as Communication and Culture
  • Subcultures and the Mainstream Media
  • Work in the Digital Age / Work and Labour in the Creative Industries
  • Watching, Analyzing and Making Media, for Digital Media Literacy
  • The Military Publicity State: Cultural Industries Go to War
  • War, Propaganda and Media Culture
  • Digital Media, Politics and Democracy
  • Theories of the State
  • Canadian Foreign Policy