COMM 4261 - Online Creator-Entrepreneurs: YouTubers, Influencers, and Streamers

What do Lily Singh, Huda Kattan (Huda Beauty), Imane Anys (Pokimane) and Cole Sydnor (Roll with Cole and Charisma) have in common? They’re all highly successful online creator-entrepreneurs who have built online followings that rival those of some of the world’s biggest stars. Across the global Internet, millions of online creator-entrepreneurs are designing, producing, publishing and promoting digital media content to reach and resonate with an audience and have a social impact. Whether by launching digital publications, podcasts and YouTube channels or raising awareness for the world’s major brands and activist movements, these online creator-entrepreneurs are significant to society. Using cutting-edge case studies of successful online creators and cultural producers, this course introduces students to the entrepreneurial mindset, and dissects the strategies, tactics, and experiences of successful digital creators all the while centering issues related to class, gender, race, age, ethnicity, sexuality and ability.