COMM 4610U – The Struggle is Real: Transformation for Communication, Conflict, and Peace

This course explores how communication is a transformative practice for addressing struggles on the intrapersonal, interpersonal, intercultural, group and inter-national levels. We consider communicative channels such as interpersonal dialogue, social media, advertising, propaganda, negotiation, and mainstream news together with how these channels impact our everyday experiences with diversity, equity, and inclusion. The course addresses how communication is fundamental to practices of validation, understanding, kindness, empathy, wellness, community, self-care, hope, and peace. Fundamental principles of philosophy and communication are explored in contexts such as business, government, healthcare, politics, and education, and on a planetary level by examining relations between and amongst humans, non-human animals, and the environment. Students are exposed to practical strategies for using communication to resolve conflict and build peace at the personal, organizational, and global levels. Students from all programs, backgrounds, and experiences are welcome to share in this collaborative course.