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Amir Mostaghim

Associate Teaching Professor

Faculty of Social Science and Humanities

Contact information

Bordessa Hall - Room 323
Downtown Oshawa
55 Bond Street East
Oshawa, ON

905.721.8668 ext. 5887

Research and supervision topics

  • Consumption
  • Drugs
  • Gender
  • Identity Development
  • Post-modern theory
  • Race
  • Youth Subculture


The field of youth cultural studies is in a state of schism. On one hand, it is argued, the Marxist conceptualization of subculture as a static representation of social class has failed to encapsulate the diverse ways by which groups negotiate their membership. At the same time, the post-modernist refutation of structure in favour of agency is arguably too simplistic in its claim of universality. Although the debate is ongoing, there is general agreement that recent changes in society have placed leisure and consumption at the centre of youth identity development. However, the question remains, how do structural concerns affect choices made by youth while participating in conspicuous leisure and consumption? The implications of this question are wide-ranging and crucially important. It can answer questions about drug use, fashion choices, spending habits, criminal behaviour, and so much more. Dr. Mostaghim’s research agenda is to analyze and explore different dimensions and implications of this question.

After finishing his Ph.D. work at McMaster University and University of Guelph, under such scholars as William Shafir, Cyril Levitt, Andrew Hathaway, Patrick Parnaby, and William O’Grady, Dr. Mostaghim joined our university in 2015. He teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in areas of policy development, policing, statistics, and cultural studies. Dr. Mostaghim is currently finishing a research project in the area of police legitimacy in various subcultures in Canada.

Expert Centre profile

Courses taught

  • Introduction to Sociology
  • Data Analysis
  • Policing
  • Advanced Level Policy Development
  • International Perspective in Criminal Justice