
Shahid Alvi, PhD
- Hate crime
- Social exclusion
- Violence against immigrant women
- Youth crime
- Left realism
- Technology and education
- Theoretical Criminology
- Political Economy of Crime
Carla Cesaroni, PhD
- Adjustment of individuals to incarceration
- Role of punishment in the public sphere
- Corrections/penology
- Youth justice

Wesley Crichlow, PhD
- Black LGBTQ criminology reentry
- Black gender and Caribbean masculinities
- Critical equity and diversity studies
- Critical race theory
- #BlackLivesMatter race and criminal injustice
- Anti-black racism and decolonization
- Alternative criminal justice rehabilitation

Karla Dhungana-Sainju, PhD
Associate Professor
- Corrections and sentencing
- Mass incarceration and correctional control
- Prisoner re-entry
- Gender and crime
- Women’s imprisonment
- Electronic monitoring of offenders
- Traditional and cyber bullying
- Prisoner re-entry
- Policy evaluations

Steven Downing, PhD
Associate Professor
- Criminal and deviant subcultures
- Sociological theories of crime
- Theories of justice

Tyler Frederick, PhD
Associate Professor
- Community experiences of people with psychiatric disabilities
- Mental health
- Street life and subsistence choices
- The experiences of LGBTQ homeless young people
- Youth crime
- Youth homelessness

Jordan Harel, PhD
Senior Teaching Professor
- Corporate crime
- Financial crime
- Organizational and occupational deviance/crime
- White-collar crime
Steven Hayle, PhD
Associate Teaching Professor

Ronald Hinch, PhD
Professor Emeritus
- Policing of violent crime
- Criminological theory
- Food crime
- Green criminology
- Policing violent crime
- Serial murder

Olga Marques, PhD
Associate Professor
- Sexuality, sex, and sexual deviance
- pornography and Sex Work
- Carceral Experiences
- Indigenous criminology
- Media representations of offenders and victims
- Convict Criminology and Thug Criminology
Amir Mostaghim, PhD
Associate Teaching Professor
- Consumption
- Drugs
- Gender
- Identity Development
- Post-modern theory
- Race
- Youth Subculture

Christopher O'Connor, PhD
Associate Professor
- Youth crime, truancy, and school-to-work transitions
- Auto theft, technology and crime
- Citizen attitudes toward the police
- Energy security, oil, crime and boomtowns
- Citizenship and youth councils

Barbara Perry, PhD
- Hate Crime
- Policing diversity
- First Nations and justice
- Incarceration
- Race and justice
- Sexualities and justice
- Terrorism/extremism

Kanika Samuels Wortley, PhD
Associate Professor
- Race, racism and the criminal justice system
- Critical race theory
- Predictive AI technologies within criminal justice processes

Hannah Scott, PhD
- Homelessness
- Victimology, victims of crime vulnerable populations
- Homicide studies
- Serial and mass murder
- Gender differences in criminal behaviour
- Evaluation research
- Canadian drug courts and other diversion program evaluation
Phillip Shon, PhD
- Parricide
- Intrafamily homicide
- Individual psychology and criminology

Vivian Stamatopoulos, PhD
Associate Teaching Professor
- Child and youth-based caregiving
- Long-term care (LTC)
- Young carers

Arshia U. Zaidi, PhD
Associate Professor
- Intimate partner violence survivors (IPV)
- Issues of immigration, assimilation, acculturation
- Race, gender, sexuality and family generational issues
- Survivors of elderly abuse
- Power of information communication technology/social media in IPV and immigrant youth
- Methodological issues in the field (insider/outsider: community partnerships)

James Walsh, PhD
Associate Professor
- Surveillance, security and social control
- Borders, mobility and migration
- Law and society
- Crime and media
- Terrorism
- Moral panic