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The Use of Technology to Find Solutions to Delay in Grievance Arbitration

Bruce Curran, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba

Published April 19, 2018 by Technologies of Justice.

On January 27, 2018, Bruce Curran hosts a talk featuring the use of technology to find solutions to delay in grievance arbitration during the session titled Technology and Work: Justice Boom or Fissuring Bane at the Technologies of Justice Conference.



Curran asks us “What is grievance arbitration?” He brings to light the problem with delay in the arbitration process, and the use of technology as a methodology to study the problem of grievance arbitration delay. He highlights the need for faster, cheaper simpler ways to resolve workplace disputes and how the process can become corrupted because of this. He cites the legal maxim, “Justice delayed is justice denied,” pointing out that as the average number of days of grievance arbitration increases, the overall impact can be devastating for those involved. He ends his discussion by focusing on the use of grievance arbitration as a technology of justice and how we can use modern electronic and software technologies to source data for statistical analysis and research on grievance arbitration, both historically and in a more modern context.