Bobby Stojanoski
Assistant Professor
General Psychology
Faculty of Social Science and Humanities
Contact information
2 Simcoe Street
- Room 615
Downtown Oshawa
2000 Simcoe Street North
Oshawa, ON L1G 0C5
905.721.8668 ext. 2895
Dr. Bobby Stojanoski received his PhD in Psychology from the University of Toronto in 2012. After completing his PhD, Dr. Stojanoski completed two postdoctoral fellowships at Western University; one working with Dr. Rhodri Cusack examining the neural underpinnings of visual short-term memory, and the second working with Dr. Adrian Owen investigating residual cognitive functioning after a traumatic brain injury. Dr. Stojanoski became an Adjunct Research Professor in 2018 at Western University, an appointment he still holds.
The overarching goal of Dr. Stojanoski's research program is to understand the links between social and cognitive development, the underlying changes in structure and function of the brain, and the role of different demographic and lifestyle factors in both children and adolescents. Dr. Stojanoski is particularly interested in the role of sleep, exercise, and brain training on various aspects of cognition, such as executive functioning and memory, and how these cognitive systems may influence or be influenced by social cognitive abilities, such as theory of mind. Dr. Stojanoski uses various neuroimaging methods (EEG, fMRI and fNIRS), online cognitive tests, and movie watching paradigms along with computational analytic approaches to this data to examine social and cognitive functioning in typically developing children, and children with autism. Dr. Stojanoski's research is currently funded by NSERC and SSHRC, among other grants.
Dr. Stojanoski will be recruiting a postdoctoral fellow and graduate students starting for 2024/2025. Please contact him directly with inquiries.
For more information about ongoing research projects in Dr. Stojanoski's lab along with his research team, visit DevSCN.
- PhD, Psychology University of Toronto 2012
Courses taught
- Advanced Data Analysis
Research and expertise
- Neural mechanisms underling development of various cognitive abilities
- Influences of lifestyle factors, such as sleep and exercise on cognitive development
- Neural synchronization as index of social cognitive abilities, such as theory of mind, during movie watching and real-time social interactions
- Brain training
- Applying machine learning to examine relationship between functional/structural changes to the brain and social cognitive functioning in typically and atypically developing children
- SSHRC Explore Grant. Examining the neural mechanisms supporting real-time social interactions in children and adolescents with high and low autistic traits. Dr. Bobby Stojanoski (Principal Investigator).
- 2020-2021
- National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC): Discovery Grant. Investigating the development of higher-level cognition from childhood to adolescence. Bobby Stojanoski (Principal Investigator).
- 2020-2025
- 2020-2025
- National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC). Research Tools and Instruments EEG equipment for studies of sleep and cognition. Bobby Stojanoski (Co-applicant).
- 2020-2025
- 2020-2025
- BrainsCAN stimulus grant. Developing and validating tools to assess higher level cognition in children and adolescents. Bobby Stojanoski (Principal Investigator).
- 2019-2020
- 2019-2020
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Characterizing the functional organization of the human cerebellum and cerebro-cerebellar communication. Bobby Stojanoski (Collaborator).
- 2018-2023
Preprints or Under Review
Scheerer, N.E., Curcin, K., Stojanoski, B., Anagnostou, E., Nicolson, R., Kelley, E., Georgiades, E., Liu, X., & Stevenson, R. A. (under review). Exploring Sensory Phenotypes in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Molecular Autism
Porcaro, C., Nemirovsky, I. E; Riganello, F., Mansour, Z., Cerasa, A., Tonin, P., Stojanoski, B., & Soddu, A. (under review) A historical account on diagnosing disorders of consciousness. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
Nicholas J. M. Popiel , Colin Metrow , Geoffrey Laforge†, Adrian M. Owen, Bobby Stojanoski* & Andrea Soddua* (Under Review) Exploring electroencephalography with the aid of quantum mechanics. Scientific Reports *Authors contributed equally
Gibbings, A., Henry, M. J., Cruse, D., Stojanoski, B., & Grahn, J. A. (under review). Attention modulates neural measures of beat perception. European Journal of Neuroscience
Cusack, R., Linke, A., Zubiaurre-Elorza, L., Duffy, H., Herzmann, C., Stojanoski, B., Han, V., Lee, D., Wild, C. Differences in the spatial and temporal patterns of head motion during MRI of adults and infants. BioRxiv 114447
Stojanoski, B., Emrich, S. M., Cusack, R. (under review) Representation of semantic information in ventral areas during encoding is associated with improved visual short-term memory. -
Nichols, E. S., Erez, J., Stojanoski, B., Lyons, K. M., Witt, T. S., Mace, C. A., Khalid, S., & Owen, A M. (in press). Longitudinal white matter changes associated with cognitive training. Human Brain Mapping
Houldin, E., Zhou, F., Ray, L. B., Stojanoski, B., Owen, A. M., & Fogel, S. M (in press). Slow wave sleep is an altered, not a reduced, state of consciousness: resting state network functional connectivity in sleep. Scientific Reports
Laforge, G., Serra, N. E. I., Blain-Moraes, S., Stojanoski, B., & Owen, A. M. (2020). A Comparison of English and French Naturalistic Listening Paradigms for the Assessment of Consciousness in Unresponsive Individuals. IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
Lyons, K. M., Stevenson, R. A., Owen, A. M., & Stojanoski, B. (2020). Examining the relationship between social cognition and neural synchrony during movies in children with and without autism. Neuroimage: Clinical, 28, 102477
Laforge, G., Gonzalez-Lara, L. E., Owen, A. M., & Stojanoski, B (2020). Detecting Neural Components of Shared Conscious Processing in Individual Patients Diagnosed with Disorders of Consciousness. Neuroimage: Clinical, 28, 102472
Kandeepana, S., Gomez, J. R. F., Stojanoski, B., Valluria, S., Owen, A. M., Nichols, E. S & Soddua, A (2020). Modeling an Auditory Stimulated Brain Under Altered States of Consciousness using the Generalized Ising Model. Neuroimage, 223, 117367.
Stojanoski, B., Wild, C. J., Battista, M., Nichols, E. S., & Owen, A. M (2020). Brain training habits are not associated with generalized benefits to cognition: An online study of over 1000 “brain trainers”. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
Stafford, C. A., Stojanoski, B., Wild, C. J., Owen, A. M. (2020) A Specific Deficit of Inhibitory Control Associated with Self-Reported Concussion in the General Population Predicts the Profile of Cognitive Impairment in Varsity Footballers. Journal of Neurology, 267, 1970-1979
Nichols, E. S., Wild, C. J., Stojanoski, B., Battista, M., & Owen, A. M. (2020) Bilingualism affords no general cognitive advantages: a population study of 11,000 people. Psychological Science, 31, 548-567
Cabral, L., Stojanoski, B., & Cusack, R. (2020). Rapid and coarse face detection: With a lack of evidence for a nasal-temporal asymmetry. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 82, 1883–1895
Yang, H., Laforge, G., Stojanoski, B., Nichols, E. S., McRae, K., & Köhler, S. (2019). Late positive complex in event-related potentials tracks memory signals when they are decision relevant. Scientific Reports, 9, 9469.
Stojanoski, B., Benoit, A., Van Den Berg, N., Ray, L., Owen, A.M., Shahidi Zandi, A., Quddus, A., Comeau, F.J.E. & Fogel, S (2019). Sustained vigilance is negatively affected by mild and acute sleep loss reflected by reduced capacity for decision making, motor preparation, and execution. Sleep, 42, 1-9.
Wild, C. J., Nichols, E. S., Battista, M. E., Stojanoski, B., & Owen, A. M. (2018). Dissociable effects of self-reported daily sleep duration on high-level cognitive abilities. Sleep, 41, 1-11.
Stojanoski, B., Lyons, K. M., Pearce, A. A. A., & Owen, A. M. (2018). Targeted training: Converging evidence against the transferable benefits of online brain training on cognitive function. Neuropsychologia, 117, 541–550.
Blumenthal, A*., Stojanoski, B*., Martin, C., Cusack, R., Köhler, S (2018). Organization of object representations in the human medial temporal lobes. Human Brain Mapping, 39, 3779-3792 *Authors contributed equally