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Ruth Felder

Assistant Teaching Professor

Political Science

Faculty of Social Science and Humanities

Contact information

Charles Hall - Room 306
Downtown Oshawa
61 Charles Street
Oshawa, ON L1H 4X8



Dr. Ruth Felder is interested in the political economy of development in Latin America and her research addresses the complex interplay between the economic, politico-institutional, and social dimensions of development and locates domestic processes in the broader regional and international contexts in which they take place. Most currently, her research focuses on the nature, scope, and limitations of the development projects that have emerged in Argentina and other Latin American countries in the wake of the crisis of neoliberal reforms in the region. In complementary research, she has studied labour precarity in Argentina and Latin America raising questions about the factors that account for the persistence of precarious labour and poverty and about the forms of collective action of workers who are usually not included in traditional unions. She has published several articles and book chapters on neoliberal reforms and their crisis, the role of the International Financial Institutions in the making of neoliberalism, labour precarity and precarious workers’ organizing in Argentina.

Before joining Ontario Tech University in 2019, she taught at the University at Albany, State University of New York (U.S.). She was also a postdoctoral fellow and lecturer at Saint Mary’s University in Canada, and a lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences and research fellow at the Institute for the Study of Latin America and the Caribbean at the University of Buenos Aires in Argentina.


  • PhD Political Science York University

Courses taught

  • Global Politics
  • Mobilizing for Change
  • Labour in the Global Economy
  • Introduction to Political Science
  • Policies for Sustainability

Research and expertise

  • development
  • Latin American politics
  • neoliberalism
  • political economy
  • labour precarity
  • popular economy


  • Selected presentations and publications

    2019. “The state and the decline of the Pink Tide.” Paper presented at Pink tides, right turns in Latin America Seminar. UQO, Gatineau, Quebec, June.

    2019. “Rethinking working class politics: organizing informal workers in Argentina.” With Viviana Patroni. Paper presented at the Workshop: Informal work, politics and policies, York University, Toronto, ON, May.

    2018. “State, capital accumulation and class balances in the Latin American Pink Tide.” Paper presented at the 9th Annual Conference. International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE), Pula, Croatia, September 2018.

    2018. “Organizing the “unorganizable”: The case of popular economy workers in Argentina.” Journal of Labour and Society. Published ahead of print. With Viviana Patroni.

    2018. “Precarious Work in Recession and Growth: A New Structural Feature of Labour Markets in Argentina?” Review of Radical Political Economics. 50 (1). With Viviana Patroni.