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Timothy MacNeill

Senior Teaching Professor

Political Science

Faculty of Social Science and Humanities

Contact information

Bordessa Hall - Room 317
Downtown Oshawa
55 Bond Street East
Oshawa, ON

905.721.8668 ext. 5879

Research topics

  • inequality
  • Indigenous movements
  • sustainable development
  • international development
  • political economy
  • globalization
  • corporate social responsibility
  • food sovereignty
  • behavioural economics
  • cultural economy


Dr. Timothy MacNeill’s research focuses on globalization, inequality and sustainable development. This involves three major streams of investigation. First, he measures the impacts that international investment flows and corporate practices have on marginalized, typically Indigenous, communities and ecosystems in developing countries. His second stream of research explores the ways in which economic, political, cultural and social systems may be re-imagined and asserted via indigenous and other social movements to yield environmental sustainability and social equity. The third is research on the ways in which economic, social, cultural and political institutions impact human behaviour.

Dr. MacNeill has launched a new Vlog/Podcast, "Calling Bullsh*t" where he discusses political and economic issues. 

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. MacNeill is also an award-winning musician and songwriter who has released more than 100 recordings over the last 20 years. He regularly authors and produces musical/video works on political topics - from the war in Ukraine, "Freedom Convoy", oil-politics, racial inequity, and climate change.

His two most recent political artistic releases are:

America (a love song) (remaster)

A playlist of his "Social and Environmental Justice" works is viewable here:

Social and Environmental Justice Songs


  • MDE Dalhousie University
  • PhD, Communication and Culture York University

Courses taught

• Inequality and Development
• Environment and Globalization
• Social Policy
• Social Problems
• Introductory Sociology

Research and expertise

  • globalization
  • sustainable development
  • Indigenous/alternative development
  • inequality
  • Indigenous social movements
  • corporate social responsibility
  • sustainable food systems
  • tourism and cultural industries
  • behavioural and experimental economics


  • Books
    • Indigenous Culture and Sustainable Development in Latin America. Palgrave-MacMillan; Forthcoming, 2020
    • Life in a Cultural Economy: Music, Markets, and Development. Saarbrucken: VDM Verlag, 2009.
  • Journal/Peer Reviewed Articles
    • From Strain to the Capacity to Aspire: A Contribution to International Development Theory. Community Development. (Under Review) (First Author with E. James, C. O’Connor, T. Frederick).
    • Ethnic Diversity and Altruistic Behaviour: Evidence from Indigenous Honduras. (Under Review) (First Author with D. Wozniak).
    • Food sovereignty in a captured state: the case of Garifuna Honduras. (Under Review).
    • Racism in the Lab: Evidence of Statistical and Taste-Based Discrimination in a Simulated Labor Market. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly Journal of Socio-Economics). (Forthcoming). (Second author with D. Wozniak)
    • Universal Basic Income and the Natural Environment: Theory and Policy. Basic Income Studies, 14(1), 2019. (First author with A. Vibert)
    • The Economic, Social, and Environmental Impacts of Cruise Tourism (on Indigenous Communities). Tourism Management, 66(1), p. 387-404, 2018. (First author with D. Wozniak)
    • Development as Imperialism: Power and the Perpetuation of poverty in Afro-Indigenous Communities of Coastal Honduras. Humanity & Society, 4(2), p. 209-239, 2017.
    • Culturally Sustainable Development: Maya Culture, Indigenous Institutions, and Alternative Development in Guatemala. Cultural Dynamics, 26(3), p. 299-325, 2014.
    • Environmental Citizenship, Maya Cosmovision, and Cultural Rights in Guatemala. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies, 7(4), p. 17-30, 2014.
    • The End of Transformation? Culture as the Final Fictitious Commodity. Problématique, Vol 12, 2010.
    • Food Policy and Social Capital as Correctives to Market Failure. Participatory Action Research and Training Centre on Food Security. PARTCFC. September, 2012.
    • Radical Indigenous Subjectivity: Maya Resurgence in Guatemala, The International Journal of Diversity, 8(2): 98-106. (First Author with Evelyn Gere), 2008.
    • On the Production and Maintenance of Discursive Power: Cultural Policy Beyond the Nation State. Stream, 1(1): 3-21, 2008.
    • The Interactive Complexity of Agency: Existing and Emergent Theories of the Culture of Economics and the Economics of Culture. International Journal of the Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 2(1): 57-64, 2007.
    • Audiences Authoring Authors: Cultural Production of Value, Cultural Industries, and Copyright. International Journal of Arts in Society, 2(1): 43-50, 2007.
    • Transnational CounterpublicTM: An Owners Manual. Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies, 2007.
  • Government/Community Reports
    • Measuring Success in Social Services and Community Development: An Anishinabek Perspective. (For the North Shore Tribal Council). November 14, 2019. 10 pages.
    • First Nations Social Service and Community Development Model: Working Group Report. (For the North Shore Tribal Council). September 16, 2019. 27 pages.
    • Beyond Income Assistance: Anishinabek Perspectives on Community Development and Social Services. (With the North Shore Tribal Council). June 20, 2019. Funding from Indigenous Services Canada. 68 pages.
  • Recent conference presentations

    Food Sovereignty in a Captured State: Materialities and Identities of Resistance in Honduras. Food: Locally Engaged, Globally Embedded. Annual Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership Grant research working group. University of Waterloo, September 7, 2017.

    Altruism, Ethnicity, and Community Development: Results of Field Experiments in Four Honduran Barrios. Canadian Sociological Association, Ryerson University, June 1, 2017.

    Economic Sociology of Racial Discrimination in Labour Markets: An Experimental Approach. Canadian Sociological Association, Ryerson University, May 31, 2017.

    Ethical Dilemmas in International Development Fieldwork. Canadian Sociological Association, Ryerson University, June 2, 2017.

    Sustainable Development and Indigenous Rights in Latin America. Latin American Forum for Environmental Sciences. Presenter. Buenos Aires, Argentina, February 2017.

    Development or Marginalization?: The Economic, Social, and Environmental Impacts of Canadian Foreign Investment in Caribbean Honduras, Canadian Sociological Association, June 1, 2016.

    Sustainable Food Systems Working Group. Participant. Wilfred Laurier University, September 2015.

    Pueblo of the Porn King: Canadian Imperialism in Afro-Indigenous Honduras, Canadian Sociological Association, June 5, 2015.

    Culturally Sustainable Development: Maya Culture and Policy from the Edge, Canadian Association for the Study of International Development, May 2013.

    Radical Discursive Intervention: Maya Cosmovision, Transmodernity, and Development, Canadian Communication Association, May 2013.

  • Grants
    • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Insight Grant.  Topic: “The Multidimensional Development Impacts of Canadian-Supported Investments and Policy Initiatives on Indigenous Peoples” Value: $302,045, 2019-2024, sole principal investigator.
    • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Insight Partnership Grant. Topic “Food: Locally Embedded; Globally Engaged.” Value: $2.5 million, 2015-2020, co-investigator.
    • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Insight Development Grant. Topic: “Development or Marginalization: The Social, Environmental, Economic, Health, and Cultural impacts of Corporate Foreign Investment in Honduras” Value $65,000, 2014-2016, sole principal investigator.
    • Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Topic: “Culturally Sustainable Development” 2009-2010. Value: $16,000
    • SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship, Topic: “Culturally Sustainable Development” 2008-2009. Value: $22,000
    • Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Topic: “Culturally Sustainable Development” (declined in favour of SSHRC), 2008-2009. Value: $16,000