Student Success

Sierra Tilling
"Learning in the practicum experience brings together the theories and guidance from everyday learning with the experience of working in a fast paced environment where you have to adapt and strive to further yourself in your work. Being able to participate in this type of experience has shown me my calling and the best way to achieve it as I am able to talk to those who have themselves gone through the same journey. I am not exaggerating when I say the experience is literally life changing. This is the best program our institution offers. Dan Walters being the guide for this experience makes you feel supported, seen and heard in the best ways. He is your biggest cheerleader and safeguard when you are not steady on your feet in the experience. No one better could have taught us to strive the way he has."
Psychology, Class of 2024

Taylor Dunne
"My practicum experience with BGC Durham opened my eyes to many possibilities and avenues I never thought were possible for myself. Before starting with them, I didn’t have a great idea on what the world of social work was like, but their amazing team worked with me and gave me so much information and guidance on navigating such a tough field and, more importantly, how to be successful. Their eagerness to help and genuine kindness really shows in the community. I love that I have been able to continue to work with them post-practicum and welcome the opportunity to work with them more in the future."
Forensic Psychology, Class of 2024

Emily Martins-Torres
"Many students, including myself, often grapple with understanding how our degrees will translate into tangible careers post-graduation. My Practicum experience, guided by the exceptional Dan Walters, was a transformative journey. Within my placement opportunity at Community Justice Alternatives of Durham Region and through enriching class discussions, it not only bridged the gap between academic theories and their practical applications, but also illuminated a clear path for how I can utilize my degree in a meaningful and impactful way in the field of community justice. Experiential learning has not only provided invaluable insights and practical skills, but has also highlighted the crucial role of hands-on education in developing competent, empathetic professionals ready to make a significant impact in their fields."
Criminology and Justice, Class of 2024

Alexa Findlay
"My practicum experience has provided me with transformative skills and a great opportunity for personal and professional growth. The experience has given me a place to utilize my classroom knowledge and put it into real-world situations that has allowed me to foster a deeper understanding in my field of study. I have engaged with diverse populations, those involved in the criminal justice system and experienced individuals which has expanded my perspectives and influenced my skills. This experience has been valuable in shaping my future career and instilling a sense of confidence in my abilities to make meaningful contributions in my chosen field."
Criminology and Justice, Class of 2024

Shevani Patel
“My practicum experience at Revitaled Reintegration Services was eye-opening and unbelievably fulfilling. I was lucky enough to work with at risk youth to tell their stories with comic books through Your Story Matters. This project emphasized the importance of stories and how powerful it can be. This placement provided me a new perspective with understanding the barriers youth face on a day-to-day basis. I was lucky enough to learn more about criminal justice system and law enforcement surrounding youth. The seminars and placement provided the opportunity to continue a prospective career in youth justice. I would not have been able to do this without Dan and Lisa as they were the ones who laid this path for me and my journey.“
Criminology and Justice, Class of 2024

Jordan Ramji
"When I first learned about the opportunity offered to Ontario Tech students to partake in a practicum experience, I was paired with Back Door Mission, an organization that offers low-barrier, essential services to Oshawa’s unhoused population. My time at the Mission was more eye-opening and learning intensive than I can properly describe, allowing me to witness first-hand the intricacies of the social services sector while strengthening my aspirations of working towards an end to homelessness. My 100-hour placement would not have been nearly as worthwhile had it not been complemented by Dan Walters’ practicum course, in which my classmates and I received monumental support throughout the semester and learned invaluable information to help prepare us for our professional lives outside of university. This course component truly allowed me to excel during my time at Back Door Mission and has made the great unknown that awaits post- university a little less anxiety-producing. Overall, my fourth-year practicum has made me even more eager to begin working in this field, and will go down as the most memorable and valuable experience of my four years at Ontario Tech”
Forensic Psychology, Class of 2024

Bobby Maharaj
"My practicum experience was the best experience that I had during my university career! It gave me networking opportunities and aided my communication, leadership and problem-solving skills, which increased my confidence and sense of self! Practicum allowed me to learn a lot about the criminal justice field and law enforcement, which allowed me to successfully obtain employment in the criminal justice/ law enforcement field. Being involved in a practicum placement and attending in-class seminars put me in the right direction in my life toward my goals and all my aspirations. Thank you, Dan and Cayla, from the ELO, for such an amazing opportunity."
Criminology and Justice, Class of 2023

Nic Stevenson
"My name is Nic Stevenson, and in my fourth year I had the honour to be apart of a Practicum placement with the Durham Regional Police Service. I got to learn an incredible amount and it allowed me to develop and enhance critical and transferable skills to policing. This opportunity also led me to securing a ride along with the service in which I got to witness first-hand what it means to be a police officer. "
Forensic Psychology, Class of 2023

Olivia Wild
"The skills I learned during my Practicum were invaluable. The Eastern York Region North Durham Ontario Health Team is a new organization with a limited social media presence. Therefore, I had a unique opportunity to learn how to build a foundation for social media excellence at the organization. I figured out how to adapt to the changing healthcare landscape in Ontario and create digital media content to engage with the general public. I am more confident in my communication abilities after participating in the Practicum program."
Communication and Digital Media Studies, Class of 2023

Victoria Heaney
“During my fourth-year of university I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity of completing a practicum with the Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS). In this experiential learning opportunity I was able to get hands on experience in my prospective career field, and make lifelong connections. As well, I was able to seamlessly transition out of university into having a part-time position with the DRPS following my practicum."
Criminology and Justice, Class of 2022

Teagan Goulding
"I am a fourth-year Forensic Psychology student at Ontario Tech University. During the Fall of 2021 semester, I completed a Practicum at Kelly Greenway Bruce law firm, located in downtown Oshawa. Here, I explored different aspects of the legal profession, working under various law clerks and legal assistants. The experience and knowledge I gained as a Practicum student was invaluable to my future and significantly enhanced my academic career at Ontario Tech University. Further, I gained personal confidence while also having made long-lasting professional connections. I am beyond grateful to have participated in the Practicum opportunity."
Forensic Psychology, Class of 2022

Sabrina Daniela
"I was accepted into an amazing placement at Aura Freedom International, an NGO fitting all the values I live by. First day being there I was offered a chance to help research and write a Parallel Report for the United Nations. This alone was a life goal of mine, and to be able to do something in relation to the UN at the mere age of 20 was unbelievable to me. I then realized I would be forever grateful to the Practicum office, as they were the ones who laid path to this journey of mine. Through Practicum I have learned and nurtured skills I will be able to use in both my professional and personal life."
Forensic Psychology, Class of 2020

Khalidah Abubaker
“My placement with Culture Counts at the City of Oshawa gave me insight about how to network and think in the real world. I was able to help with events and learning workshops, which allowed me to experience first-hand what Culture Counts does to help the community. This experience gave me a different outlook on my personal and career goals.”
Communication and Digital Media Studies, Class of 2017

Julia Mantler
"I was given an amazing opportunity as a Court Officer with Wellington County Ontario Provincial Police. In this role, I was able to work with other officers at the Ontario Court of Justice in Guelph, Ontario. This role gave me a chance to learn and use special software police officers use, as well as update, append warrants and release orders. I made great relationships with the other constables and sergeants in Wellington County, and hope to one day apply and become a part of the Ontario Police family."
Criminology and Justice, Summer 2021

Gavin Hinton
"I worked with Rebound Child & Youth Services to raise funds for its mental health services and prosocial programs, which support children, youth, and families reach their full potential. I was part of a team who launched the first-ever Ride for Rebound and secured key media coverage, in outlets such as Global News and the Toronto Star, to elevate Rebound’s positive impact and growth. Since my internship, I'll be working with Rebound until my graduation in 2022!"
Communication and Digital Media Studies, Summer 2021